A new year brings opportunity for growth, change and regeneration.
For almost 10 years, CWJ’s trailblazing legal precedents have been laying the groundwork for lasting social change that gives women real recourse when faced with get refusal.
With the approach of the New Year 5774, CWJ is excited to announce a new tool – our Online Resource Center (ORC) – that will extend access to our unique methodology to divorcing women nationwide.
Targeting family law attorneys, the women they represent and the general public in Israel, the ORC features:
- Resources for legal professionals, such as relevant laws, essays, court decisions, etc. (in Hebrew)
- Information to enhance understanding of issues, obstacles and options for women facing proceedings in rabbinic courts, and grassroots
- Online donation options through PayPal for Israelis and Israel Toremet for U.S. residents
- Regular updates about CWJ activities and accomplishments
- An attractive, user-friendly, intuitive format with an upgraded search engine
Please feel welcome, and take a look around. We’d love to hear your feedback!
CWJ is deeply grateful to all our committed supporters whose generosity seeded, and is maintaining, this crucially important initiative. These include JWF of South Palm Beach County and JWF of New York, Inc., as well as the Boston Jewish Community Women's Fund, David Berg Foundation, Greater Miami Jewish Federation WAI, Stichting Levi Lassen, Tikkun Olam Women's Foundation of Greater Washington, the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle WEF, and those whose general support has provided a secure foundation for advancing this project.